24 October, 2011

On 12:39:00 PM by Aliza   No comments
Love her …when she sips on your coffee or tea. She only wants to make sure it tastes just right for you.
Love her…when she "pushes" you to pray. She wants to be with you in Jannah (Paradise).
Love her…when she asks you to play with the kids. She did not "make" them on her own....
Love her...when she is jealous. Out of all the men she can have, she chose you
Love her…when she has annoying little habits that drives you nuts. You have them too.
Love her…when her cooking is bad. She tries.
Love her…when she looks dishevelled in the morning. She always grooms herself up again.
Love her…when she asks to help with the kids homework. She only wants you to be part of the home.
Love her...when she asks if she looks fat. Your opinion counts, so tell her she's beautiful.
Love her…when she looks beautiful. She's yours so appreciate her.
Love her...when she spends hours to get ready. She only wants to look her best for you.
Love her…when she buys you gifts you don't like. Smile and tell her it's what you've always wanted.
Love her…when she has developed a bad habit. You have many more and with wisdom and politeness you have all the time to help her change. Love her…when she cries for absolutely nothing. Don't ask, tell her its going to be okay
Love her…when she suffers from PMS. Buy chocolate, rub her feet and back and just chat to her (trust me this works!)
Love her…when whatever you do is not pleasing. It happens and will pass
Love her…when she stains your clothes. You needed a new thobe (kurta) anyway
Love her…when she tells you how to drive. She only wants you to be safe.
Love her…when she argues. She only wants to make things right for both
Love her…she is yours. You don't need any other special reason!!!!

All this forms part of a Woman's Character. Women are part of your life and should be treated as the Queen.

Keluarga kak Sha tak lengkap, babahnya takde

Kuarga kak Ina pun tak lengkap, ayah n abangnya takde...
tahun depan lengkap kot yer kak ini

ini kak Sarah... dahla tak lengkap korumnyer... si Umi wat tunduk plak amik gambar owhhhh

Couple pertama dirembat saya..
memula malu amik gambar... sekali wahhh.... so sweet

En. Talib dan isteri tercinta.... suker nengok

Couple of maya

Kak Saba dan suaminya... suke nengok dorang

Tada... inilah kak Umi dan cucunya...
shomel cucu kak umi... bolat....

wah.... sweet. kak kamsiah

Bukhari n d partner

Pasangan yang jarang join hari kuarga... sekali datang...
bah..bah.. so romantik, berkepit jer....

kak Ani

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) advised concerning the woman:

• Treat the women well.

• The best of you are those who are the best in the treatment of their wives."

by: Stunning Hijabs

dan saya cukup kompius
dengan couple berdua ini

Diceritakan, seorang sahabat bernama Hakim bin Muawiyyah bin Hidah al-Qusyairi r.a pernah mendengar ayahnya berkata bahawa dia pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW: “Wahai Rasulullah! Apakah hak isteri kami ke atas suami? Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Memberinya makan apabila kamu makan, memberinya pakaian apabila kamu berpakaian.” - hadis riwayat Abu Daud. Nafkah yg wajib untuk isteri & anak2 berupa makanan, pakaian, tempat tinggal & segala keperluan isteri yg munasabah & tidak bercanggah dengan syarak. Firman Allah SWT yg bermaksud: “Orang yg mampu memberi nafkah hendaklah menurut kemampuannya; & sesiapa yang disempitkan rezekinya, maka dia hendaklah memberi nafkah dari apa yang diberikan Allah kepadanya (sekadar yang mampu)." – surah al-Talaq ayat 7. Ulama mentafsirkan 'kemampuan suami' sebagai berusaha utk memenuhi tgjawab ini pd tahap yg maksima.


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